Nanowrimo 2023

So I’m grinding away of my current book, Majestic Seventeen, 1000 words a day. I really hope to get it done by the end of the year (but I don’t want to overpromise.) But it’s November, National Novel Writing Month, why not join up and have the camaraderie of other Wrimos while you push through to the end? The daily quota is only 1227 words a day, I can do that!

So I surfed over the the Nano website and set up my novel and freshened up my profile. I’ve been doing Nanowrimo for years, 8 or 9 times, won four or five, about a 50 percent win rate. (Two of those losses were when we had deaths in the family, though, which really knocked me off my stride.) Some of those books I haven’t looked at since I uploaded them to the Nano website for validation at the end of November. One of them I lost to Hurricane Katrina (yes, been doing it that long.). But one of them became Daughter of Atlas, the first book I published, available here.

But it’s been a while since I’ve done it, and I forgot a few things. The daily quota to make 50,000 words in a month is 1667 words a day. Rather more than I thought. And that includes working every day. I’ve been taking weekends off lately. Writing is a job, you deserve time off. 1,000 words a day is a lot to me.

But that’s okay. The point of Nanowrimo is to push yourself, to make yourself work, to push through creative blocks. If I can just get this damn first draft finished by December 31, 2023 I will count it a success.

I lost all my Wrimo buddies on the Nano website, probably during a website upgrade. My handle over the is Kbot, all the way back from when I was still working shitty customer service jobs. So if you’re a WordPress denizen and you’re also doing Nano, hit me up. I need buddies!

And now I must return to the word mines. But I’m counting this blog post in the daily quota! 🙂

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